How to dye hair with henna?

Do you want to dye your hair with a natural , chemical-free product? Henna is your best option. These powders, which are usually used to make temporary tattoos on the skin, are also often used to color the hair and give it a redder or lighter shade. The main advantage of dyeing your hair with henna is that it does not damage your hair, in addition to providing it with nutrients and vitamins that are very favorable for our scalp. In this article we are going to detail how to dye your hair with henna so that you get shiny, healthy and well-kept hair. Do you dare to try it?

You may also be interested in: How to prepare henna for hair

dyeing your hair with henna

Steps to follow:
1. Henna is a pigment that will provide a different color to your hair without damaging it and achieving a very natural color that few other dyes achieve. In addition, it has very favorable properties for the hair as it nourishes the scalp and hydrates the ends of the hair (unlike chemical dyes that tend to dry the hair). You should know that it is not a permanent dye since the color usually fades after 4 months. It is similar to a color bath but longer lasting and without harming the health of your hair.

The color provided by henna is always a reddish tone but there are some tricks that will make the dye a blonde or dark tone : you will only have to add a bag of chamomile to your mixture (if you want a light tone) or black tea (if you want it dark).


2. In order to dye your hair with henna you will need a series of materials that we describe below:

  • 1 package of henna powder (you can find it in health food stores)
  • Olive oil
  • Hot water (better if it can be mineral as it has more benefits for the hair)
  • 1 plastic container (not metal because it can alter the tone)
  • 1 wooden spoon

Once you have put everything together, you will have to prepare the mixture by combining all the ingredients. Above all, the water must be very hot and in sufficient quantity so that a smooth but not too liquid paste can be obtained.

3. Once we have the henna ready we have to start applying it to the hair. It is important that you do it with completely dry hair and for the color to soak in better it is recommended that it is not clean. It is recommended to use a brush so that the paste spreads well through the hair because you should know that, unlike most traditional dyes, henna has a texture and thickness that will remind you of mud, so this process is a little more complicated than with supermarket dyes.


dyeing your hair with henna

4. Once you have all your hair smeared with henna, you will have to wait 2 to 4 hours for the pigment to take effect on your natural coloring. Keep in mind that the longer you leave it on your hair, the more intense the resulting color will be, so you can leave it on as long as you want (keep in mind that since it does not contain chemicals, it will not harm the health of your hair in any way).

After this time, you will only have to rinse your hair with plenty of water to extract all the henna and then wash with your usual shampoo and softening cream. When the hair dries you will see how its tone is shiny and very natural, you will be radiant!

5. If this is the first time you are going to dye yourself with henna, you should keep in mind a series of tips that will help you make your experience completely satisfactory:
  • It is recommended that you buy henna in natural stores because if you get a ready-made henna dye, it is likely that it does contain chemicals and will irritate your scalp.
  • If henna gets on your hands or any part of your skin, remove it immediately with a cloth and water to prevent it from fading.
  • The gray hair will be covered with a different shade from the rest of the hair because its natural color is white. They will look like reflections of your hair. If you are worried about white hair, in this article we tell you how to hide gray hair.
  • It is recommended to use latex gloves when applying the dye to avoid staining your hands. It is also advisable that you apply moisturizing cream to the areas of the skin that are most prone to staining so that they form a protective film that prevents them from becoming stained.

dyeing your hair with henna

6. Although coloring hair with henna can be more elaborate than doing it with a natural dye, you should know that this technique provides a large number of benefits for the hair that it is important for you to know:

  • Henna provides minerals and vitamins to the hair that make it look shinier. These nutrients also manage to deeply hydrate the scalp, achieving a silkier appearance.
  • Because it provides nutrients, the hair will be much looser and with more volume , making it look more beautiful.
  • Henna also regulates hair oil so it stays clean longer .
  • By offering nutrients, it also makes hair grow faster .


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