
Short eyelashes?: Lengthen them!

If you have very thin, light or short eyelashes and you think there is no solution, perhaps you should try some tricks and recipes before throwing in the towel, since long and strong eyelashes greatly enhance your look. Therefore, it is important to take care of their health and prevent them from falling.

Tricks to Lengthen Your Eyelashes

Having long, abundant and strong eyelashes is something that most women want to show off a spectacular look. Nowadays there are many tricks you can do with your makeup, especially with mascara, that can help you achieve a longer appearance for your eyelashes.

According to Loreal-paris, the best way to help eyelashes grow is to nourish them with natural, chemical-free products, since there are toxic substances that weaken and break them. To strengthen and lengthen your eyelashes, Salud180.com recommends the following tricks.

With a card. This trick is good for two things: covering your eyelashes better and avoiding mascara stains that often happen to many of us. Use a business card. You should place the edge of it close to the line of your eyelashes and use it to lift the skin. This way your eyelashes will be almost glued to the paper. Use as many strokes as necessary with your mascara to get the thickness you want. Make sure you don’t use too much because otherwise you can leave them with lumps. You can also use this trick on the lower eyelashes.

With this trick you can put the mascara right at the beginning of your eyelashes.

TRICK 1: Vaseline. 

This is a natural and effective way that will help you make your eyelashes look longer and thicker. This is a beauty trick made with neutral Vaseline, a product that you can buy in supermarkets, pharmacies and stores. The moisturizing properties of Vaseline will help you a lot.

Apply a little neutral Vaseline on the eyelashes with your fingers, spreading the product from the roots to the tips and then just apply your mascara of choice, but be careful that it becomes a mass. It is also advisable to use Vaseline just before going to sleep because, in this way, the Vaseline will hydrate your eyelashes to the maximum and strengthen them wonderfully, since, during the night, the products act with greater intensity than in the morning.

TRICK 2: Use a good mask. 

There are thousands of brands on the market, some more expensive than others, but as with everything, it depends a lot on which one suits you best. Remember, however, that it is important that the mascara you choose is not one that drips, as it makes your eyes look careless and tired.

One of the favorite mascaras of many makeup artists is Chanel’s Dimensions, which is an expensive product because it is a brand name, but there are also other more accessible and very good ones.

TRICK 3: Some care

In addition to all the tricks and possibilities to lengthen your eyelashes, something very important to keep in mind is how not to damage them. If you don’t take good care of them and they break or damage, you will never get long, perfect eyelashes. Here we offer you some tips for you to take into account:

• Be very careful when curling them. It is usually common that when using the curler or a spoon to bend your eyelashes, you pull them and end up removing the few you have. If it is a habit for you, try to spend more time and do it very carefully.

• Like hair, combing your eyelashes every day causes their growth. Do it every night before applying any oil, remember that the brush must be very clean.

• Another care that your eyelashes should receive is that you remove your makeup well every night. There are specific products to remove eye or eyelash makeup, use a specific one. Remember that to remove makeup from this area, the recommendation is that you apply a small amount of product on a cotton pad, without soaking it too much, and remove makeup from the eyelashes in downward movements, from the eyelid towards the tip of the eyelashes, to prevent them from falling out. Next, you should wipe the cotton under your eyes to remove all traces of makeup.

• On the other hand, remember that food is a key element. Try to eat a healthy diet for the good of your entire body, including your eyelashes. Remember that it is important to eat fruits and vegetables frequently.

HOME MADE RECEPIES To lengthen Short Eyelashes

There are many tips or tricks to make them look longer and they do work, but when it comes to making them grow, there are many doubts since it is assumed that they will not grow more than what your body has programmed, however there are some homemade recipes that have passed down from generation to generation and according to many women they have truly helped their eyelashes grow. So you could try it.



Apply this wonderful oil to your eyelashes every night with your fingertips or a cotton swab, always from the bottom up. Leave it on all night.



Mix equal parts castor, almond, avocado or mamey, and olive oil in a container. Remove makeup from your eyelashes daily with this mixture. Later, before going to sleep, apply a drop to the upper lash line.



Boil the chamomile flower in a container. Let it rest for a few minutes. Dip a cotton ball in the water and wipe it over your eyelids every night. It is recommended to do it after removing your makeup and with a clean face.



Mix six carrots, four oranges, two tablespoons of flower pollen, one tablespoon of walnuts, one tablespoon of pine nuts and one tablespoon of honey. Prepare a juice with these ingredients and drink it every morning for two months. Your eyelashes will look stronger thanks to the vitamin content that this drink has.



There is a theory that if you apply this vitamin to your eyelids, your eyelashes will grow. You can try it for a while because it won’t hurt you.


Just like hair, you can stimulate eyelash growth by trimming only the tips. In fact, there is a theory that if the tips of babies or children are trimmed, obviously with great care, the eyelashes grow healthy and strong.

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